Our world includes our bodies and the environment

“Care is a species activity that includes everything we do to maintain, contain, and
repair our 'world' so that we can live in it as well as possible.”
Joan Tronto + Berenice Fisher

The sentinels Ramón, Vilma and Carmen personify one of the most transcendent instinctive acts that we living beings have, the pleasure of experiencing: caring and being cared for. These pieces arise from a series of reflections about violence and seek to sensitize the way in which we relate to each other and to what surrounds us.

We believe that objectification is a tool that facilitates exploitation and violence. For example, with the environment, Western culture considers the human being as an entity separate from the environment and the environment as something hostile from which we need to defend ourselves and which we can exploit to obtain resources necessary far our survival. This vision contrasts with, for example, the vision of sorne pre-Hispanic Latín American cultures where the environment and the human beings were part of a whole and took care of each other through a reciproca! relationship. lf we transfer this to the relationship between people, under the lens of capitalism the value of people is measured in terms of their productive capacity. From this same place we believe that gender violence emerges which dehumanizes us through stereotypes.

In response, we saw the need to work around care. When one cares, one weaves an intima-te relationship with the other that transcends one's own needs. This relationship is nurtured over time and is an act of mutual responsibility. lt is not possible to care without listening to the needs of the other; it requires empathy and recognition. Since caring has been foryears an activity attributed only to women, we seek to transcend the gender barrier by proposing an altemative to the paradigm under which we operate. Our collection is an ode to the act of caring and we do so throug.h these ornate characters.

About the pieces:

We cast handcrafted processes such as hand carving in salid Huanacaxtle waod or the application of woven sisal on the legs to convey a sense of warmth. We use ornaments to adorn our characters and generate a contrast between the warm and the cold. Far example, the handles of Carmen, the barmaid, refer to the steel bars of safes.

Through the rattan weave, we materialize the network of relationships of mutual care that are the basis of any society. At the same time, the weaving allows us to see the time and care that the artisans take in weaving. it.

The carpentry we worked with was a workshop located in lztapalapa-, Mexico City, with whom we ha-ve been collaborating far more than 10 years. The ironwork wa-s ma-de by Ducolab, and the natural fibres were woven by a family warkshop called Rattan located in the south of Mexico City.

We were inspired by the Zapatista women, a group of indigenous women fram Chiapas- in the southeast ot Mexico who ha-ve organized themselves to protect their customs and their communities. They represent the strength, courage, bravery, beauty, deep lave, and dignity that we want to transmit through these pieces.
