We live alienated from the natural phenomena happening around us.
Common clocks, which mark the trajectory of the Sun, are omnipresent and dene the rhythm of our daily lives, enslaving us to the metrics of the passage of time that often prevent us from contemplating other processes of nature that also mark our lives.
The Moon is one of the many celestial bodies that are connected to the microcosm and the macrocosm and its effects are very different from those of the Sun. e most obvious example is the tide, which rises as night falls, but it is also a useful tool for the proliferation of crops. On the other hand, since ancient times, it is believed that the human being has a connection with the Moon. ere is a synchrony with the menstrual cycle and with the hormones that afect our emotions and ways of acting, as well as with the sleep cycles, so it is no coincidence that the word lunatic was used to refer to a person bordering on madness.
The Moon connects us with other beings and with ourselves. It helps us to observe, feel and slow down our rhythm. e purpose of developing a lunar clock is to leave behind the conventional ways of reading time and connect with an element as relevant and beautiful as the Moon.
lunar clock
We live alienated from the natural phenomena happening around us.
Common clocks, which mark the trajectory of the Sun, are omnipresent and dene the rhythm of our daily lives, enslaving us to the metrics of the passage of time that often prevent us from contemplating other processes of nature that also mark our lives.
The Moon is one of the many celestial bodies that are connected to the microcosm and the macrocosm and its effects are very different from those of the Sun. e most obvious example is the tide, which rises as night falls, but it is also a useful tool for the proliferation of crops. On the other hand, since ancient times, it is believed that the human being has a connection with the Moon. ere is a synchrony with the menstrual cycle and with the hormones that afect our emotions and ways of acting, as well as with the sleep cycles, so it is no coincidence that the word lunatic was used to refer to a person bordering on madness.
The Moon connects us with other beings and with ourselves. It helps us to observe, feel and slow down our rhythm. e purpose of developing a lunar clock is to leave behind the conventional ways of reading time and connect with an element as relevant and beautiful as the Moon.
23.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 23.5 cm
Delivery time:
8-10 weeks